
AEOs Classroom Observation (COT)

AEOs were doing classroom observation on old form called Mentoring Visit form (MVF) but it is not transformed into classroom observation tool (COT).
The purpose of this classroom observation tool designed with the collaboration of Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) is to help improve the quality of teaching in schools in primary schools in Punjab.
The tool is designed to collect data about 11 teaching practices and data about
student's time on task. The tool includes relatively few practices so that the teachers, headteachers and AEOs can focus their efforts on improving specific aspects of teaching. The practices selected are associated with improved student learning and there are desirable practices in all classrooms - regardless of subject or grade.
AEOs are required conduct at least two classroom observation school per month and record observation data. The classroom observation tool is designed to be used during their visits to schools. They first observe teaching using , based on their observation, they coach and mentor the teacher and agree action to improve their teaching.
Teacher's will be ranked on the basis of these 11 practices. Report will be submitted online by AEOs using the designed application. Areas of improvement will be shared by AEOs with the teachers.

Criteria for Teacher Selection:

  1. Teacher selection will be random. However same teacher can be kept under observation if his areas of improvement are more.
  2. One LND/LitNum class will be observed each month.
  3. For second observation any teacher will be chosen for any subject of class 1 to 5.
  4. Teacher can view their online submitted report via their SIS username and password by signing in to site acro,

Following is the overview of those practices.

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